Friday, June 1, 2012

Gera's Insecure Programming Challenges and

I came across Gera's Insecure Programming Challenges a couple of weeks ago and decided to work on them. Thus far, I have gone through all the Warming Up and Advanced Buffer Overflows challenges.  Unfortunately, a few of them could only be completed on older OSes or on non-x86 machines.  Nevertheless, they provided a good opportunity for me to practice ROP, to bypass ASLR and non-executable stacks on newer Linux OSes.

A couple of days ago, I also came across  They provide 3 different virtual machines, each with challenges of varying difficulty.  According to the website, they are, in order of difficulty: Nebula, Protostar and Fusion.

I have since completed Levels 0 to 16 on Nebula, getting shells for the targeted flagXX user on each level.  I will probably do a write-up on Level 16 soon.

So far, most of the challenges are interesting, and I can't wait to try out Protostar and Fusion.

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